Post by 98 GuyPost by LostgallifreyanPost by 98 GuyI have version of
With or without KernelEx? :)
My system(s) have Kex, but I have no idea if it's needed for that
version of the K-lite codec pack.
The K-lite that I have, I installed in Feb 2010. It includes
mediaplayer classic (version, looks like file-date March 20 /
FFDshow files seem to date mostly between nov/dec 2008 and jan 2009.
Looks like I installed it from a file called klite285.exe, which I don't
know off-hand where I got it from, but it looks like this link will give
Thanks. Related to the you have, I found that the one I have seems
to be the latest known to work without problems, but there might be some
leeway. There is another, dated just ten days later, that will start to
install, but fail to register, and a manual attempt with regsvr32
fails too. Slightly later again, anmd they start saying that the one that
fails is the last to succeed.
My guess is that self registry fails in later builds, but someone
reconstructed the registry entries needed, from a different OS, and used
those to regiter the version you have when in W9X. Did you see anything that
might indicate that they'd do this?
I read that ffdshow does not include splitters, and K-Lite does, amongt other
things, so I will check it out because it seems that interoperability was a
main aim for them, so they might have taken ffdshow compatibility a lot
further. Apparently all main branch compiling was done with GCC as I hoped,
but I don't know enough to explore that usefully. I guess the K-Lite people
may have compiled a modified source anyway.
CCCP is another possible source, but the one I tried won't install. I'll try
your link to find the latest that works. In the main ffdshow branch, it looks
like ffdshow_rev2322_20081114_clsid.exe is as definitive as it gets, given
that it starts breaking W9X compatibility just ten days later.