Post by No AlternativePost by philoPost by "MEB" @here>The major issue associated with newer Linux compilations when using
Post by No AlternativePost by philoeither Puppy Linux or Dam_ Small Linux quite well
darn-small linux runs good, but is a little too feature-lite for me to be
interested in it. Puppy runs great but I didn't think program repository
selection was very good.
What confuses we outsiders (one of the many things) is that there seem
to be so many different Linuces, without it being at all obvious what
the differences are - at least in terms we can understand. I gather one
of the main differences is what GUI they use - there seem to be gnome
and KDE - but for practical purposes, these are both GUIs.
I know there are multiple versions of Windows - Home, Pro, and so on -
but I get the impression that unless you are a business, there is little
difference between them: certainly they are all similar to _use_, there
are just some things the more expensive ones can do that the cheaper
ones either can't or have to jump through hoops to. And we didn't have
this with '98 - there was only FE and SE, really, and again they _look_
the same.
Yeah, that is another issue to Windows users.
Here's how this works.
The KERNEL and base compilation are used throughout the "Linux"
versions. This would be the underlying "DOS" aspect Windows users would
be familiar with. The *commands* used in this base environment remain
basically the same as when the first "Linux" appeared. Changes in this
part of "*nix" are generally made to ENHANCE command variables, or take
care of flaws or security issues.
The "GUI" aspect is what makes the "*nix" environments unique from all
the pre-configured *mass-market* commercial products such as OSX,
Windows [any flavour], etc...
With Linux, the *INDIVIDUAL* picks the desktop environment that suits
their purpose [meaning came pre-configured with the most things they
liked] or pleases their eye. One can stay within that desktop
compilation if one wishes, which would mimic the FORCED aspect of
Windows. The commends and tools would remain basically the same, until
modified either by the individual, or the parties who created that
particular compilation [as in Microsoft's changes].
They [Linux users] are NOT, however, constrained to even just that
GUI/desktop, they CAN bring parts of other "GUI" compilations into the
one they chose as the base desktop. Meaning here is that one can choose
[for example]; Gnome as the base, yet run either parts [or tools
associated with that desktop/GUI] of KDE, XFce, EDU, or any of the other
*WITHIN* the base GUI, OR add one of the desktop "changers" and actually
run separate, distinct GUIs WITH completely unique settings PER that
desktop environment[yet still with the same basic "root" {DOS/CMD like}
Also, within these desktop environments, you will find there are
"windowed environments" or individual desktops. So one can have the base
desktop environment as "window1", with "window2" containing a root
terminal environment [think CMD or DOS PROMPT in 9X], "window3" running
one of the other desktop environments or one of the tools thereof,
"window4" connected to the Internet or compiling some new program you
just created, etc...
UNLIKE Windows which forces the user into just that desktop and base
system, "*nux/nix" offers numerous alternatives.
Most now come with an automatic updater [which was chosen by the
master compilers of that particular desktop environment such as Gnome or
KDE, or such as via Fedora or Debian] yet even here the individual is
NOT constrained or forced to use just that updater [packager]. One can
either install one of the many other packagers, or configure the one
included to use other packager sites, even to the point of using CPAN,
sourceforge, or some other, in addition to the base packager [or in
place of the prior packager]. Here the ability is to switch between .rpm
[RedHat/SUSE/etc], to .deb [Debian based], to some "source code" or
special application/control/whatever found somewhere.
This ability comes from the universal and inherent base kernel and its
numerous "hooks" [pre-compiled abilities] {the root system}, and the
ability to add "libraries", C support files [the familiar coding
environment associated with Windows], Python, perl, SOAP, .NET, various
scripting environments, in addition to "*nix/*nux" specific codes,
source, and coding environments.
*So the "trade off" when comparing "*nix/*nux" to Windows is your
individuality and personal control.*
*MS Windows* decides FOR YOU what you need and should do verses YOU
deciding what you want, how much control you need, how secure you wish
to be, how the system is updated, what the desktop/GUI is and what that
contains, etc..
For present MS Windows users, their trade-off is the comfort they have
come to know over *numerous years of using a system they did not
control* [and regardless of the command variables associated with any MS
OS the individual can NOT control every aspect of the OS], for one which
they might have to spend a short time learning (though most commands are
similar) some basic commands [though one CAN use one of the Linux
compilations and never need any command-line control knowledge or change
anything]. Stay within that one desktop/GUI and you will find the
familiar "from one version to the other" of Windows. Its a matter of
*your personal choice* which one YOU choose to use.
The second trade-off is that Windows users have come to expect being
REQUIRED to buy new peripherals and computers to even install or
properly use Microsoft's newest OS [as displayed throughout its
history]. Windows users may complain a lot about this necessity, but
they still do the upgrades [and waste money in the process].
For instance, I just short tested the previously mentioned Linux
compilations [the newest - including the new downloaded kernel updates]
on machines which would BARELY have passed as XP capable or could NOT be
used, and for which I had NO official support for my scanner [due to a
refusal by the manufacturer to provide a driver for XP]. In Linux, all
my old peripherals were supported NATIVELY or by a downloadable support
package. Think of that,,, got some old printer or scanner you couldn't
use because it was not supported by Windows or the manufacturer,,, Linux
likely supports it natively or there is some package available, unlike
Windows which dropped support and the manufacturers are REFUSING to
supply support and a driver to FORCE you to buy new.
____ So what is it that *YOU WANT*? _____
Did you just buy a spankin new "screamin" motherboard or device?
Within a month or so Linux will likely have the necessary libraries
and other necessary for support, *and you can use your OLD peripherals
with it* [as long as the board still has supporting connections]. If you
still can't find what you need, post a request in any of the numerous
coding or Linux compilation groups and they will likely work something
up for your specific needs. Post whatever information pursuant the
issue/device/motherboard and give it a few days.
Is it that you want the ability to work with NTFS OSs?
Not a problem with Linux, there is now read/write/create support.
Reiser? HFS? other?
Linux supplies support.
Is it that you want inter-operability with other OSs?
For the most part Linux also supplies that support [qualified because
Microsoft apparently attempts to make that difficult when offering a new
OS or even at times when "updating" some segment of an existing OS]. You
have to remember Microsoft is in business to make money,,, and is
generally not very open about what it changes...
Is it that you want a specific type of server [firewall, web, file
server, DNS, mail, whatever]?
Linux supplies that type of support to create whatever you need for FREE.
Freedom of choice?
Linux provides that.
That can be found in Linux and Windows.
Are these going to be the same type of *comfort*?
Sure, the same base/root commands I used in the 80s/90s still work,
for the most part [some have been changed or removed, generally replaced
by *enhanced* commands].
Need help?
Numerous communities supply that support; there are downloadable or
already installed help files; you can always "man whatever" or "whatever
--?" [and/or some other choices depending upon what you're searching for
or attempting to use] for documentation/command help.
Is it easy to dual boot/install?
YEAH, installing Linux on a system with another OS will install a boot
loader [Grub or other} allowing you to choose between the OSs.
*A WARNING:* Make sure you check what the intended changes to your
disks are BEFORE you click to install Linux. It MAY think you want to
use ALL available hard drive space [remove and clean the disk(s) prior
to installation]. Most/all presently used GUI partitioning tools allow
you to check before changes are made. MAKE SURE YOU DO!
Most GUIed installers also allow you to modify the amount of space
[they will look for free space/un-used space] and where to place Linux
[don't try manually setting up the actual physical partitioning UNLESS
you know the relationship to Linux and what is required].
The NTs and OS2 have special installation requirements, not to worry
though, the HOW TOs on the Internet are readily available.
Make sure you scan and defrag the present partitions BEFORE attempting
to install one of the Linux compilations. I recommend disabling virtual
control [9X], re-starting in Safe Mode [to remove the swap file], and
scanning and defragging there [whatever drive/partition you intend to
use] prior to installing Linux. This allows compacting the Win9X file
system to its smallest footprint and clears the hard drive of spurious
file parts scattered all over the partition/disk.
Re-enable virtual control in Windows AFTER installing. Make sure you
at least allow sufficient space for the Windows new swap file when you
re-partition for Linux.
IF hard drive space is of that much concern, it might be advisable to
just use one of the available Live CDs of Linux.
Can I revert back to my old comfortable Windows 9X OS?
Easily done with 9X. Use one of the partition "editors" [like BootitNG
or other] to remove the Linux partition(s), check that your old/original
boot partition is set ACTIVE, use something to re-install the standard
MBR code. Your basically done.
Use the disk maintenance tools [like scandisk and defrag, or other
disk maintenance tools] to check the original partition(s). After
checking the original partition(s) use a partitioning tool [like
BootitNG] to assign the previous Linux partition(s)/empty/free space.
Now you are done.
Will I be able to transfer and/or use files from other OSs?
All present filing systems are supported. You can "auto-mount" any
filing system [or do so manually - mount means access BTW] -
fat/vfat/reiser/NTFS/HFS/etc. and assign "privileges/permissions"
[read/write/create/delete/execute] to supported filing systems. This
may, however, require that you "authorize" this type of activity [may
require you to install permission granting tools and/or file system
support files {NTFS is now supported via ntfs3g}].
Using other OS files/applications can be achieved via either emulators
[OS or processor/environment - which even includes the old CM-C/PM,
Amiga, or something specific like Commador] or using a virtual environment.
How much hard drive space will I need?
Hmm, a personal choice.. I would recommend nothing less than 8 or 9
gigs, though if you're just testing, a couple gigs (2) can be used and
would still provide everything you might need to test the OS [or
potentially use forever, that's actually a lot of space to a base Linux
installation] like Internet, mail, newsreader, chat, file tools, GUI,
etc.. using/installing one of the free Office apps though [like Open
Office, KOffice or other] will require more space over time.
Don't get lost in this stuff, there is a lot of "old information" not
applicable to the newer file/partition formats. You should look for
ext3/ext4 filing/partitioning and LVM for recent developments.
Red Hat Linux 9: Red Hat Linux x86 Installation Guide:
1.5. Which Installation Class is Best For You?
2.2. Recording Your System's Hardware
Can I use large drives?
Sure if the motherboard or adapter supports them OR you use a
secondary attachment [like USB or other]. You have a few choices for a
*standard base file system* - ext2, ext3, ext4.
Do you have MASSIVE hard drive space to deal with?
Use LVM [logical volume management]. You also might also want to setup
a file server or other servers. I mean really, think about it,,, just
what the heck do you need 500+ gigs of Windows or Linux DESKTOP space
for. Got massive hard drive space, multi-core processor(s), and gigs of
memory, why not use them for what they are actually there for [and it
sure isn't JUST to run the desktop environment [unless you use Windows
that is].
Think NTFS style journaling is important [or even unique]?
See ext3 ext4
I have or want RAID support, does Linux supply support?
Support comes either from device specific support or from included
software support. Testing seems to indicate, depending upon what
device/chipset is involved, software may be quicker than hardware.
How about Flash, JAVA, PDFs, and other stuff?
Yes, you're not limited. The ports come fairly rapidly if not supplied
via the original creator.
How about browsers, email clients, and stuff?
Yes, those are also generally included in these compilations [some
default is supplied, you can pick others], and generally use the most
recent versions. FireFox, yes; Thunderbird, yes; Seamonkey, yes; Opera,
yes; etc...
PLUS several other [from full blown, to limited or even text
only/command line] browsers, email, chat, and other Internet
tools/applications NOT available to Windows.
Can I import my contacts and stuff from Windows into {whatever
comparable Linux program}?
Generally, yes. Export your info and import into the Linux
application. First check to see what the Linux app *can* import, then
use that format in the Windows app for export. OR as previously
mentioned, use a virtual environment to use Windows in Linux.
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